
Customized high speed dispensing machine, glue machine!


Dongguan CNAUTO Automation Co., LTD.


Ways to avoid dampness of high-speed dispensing equipment

作者:周周   日期:2019-09-27 09:17   浏览:

How to solve the problem of moisture in dispensing equipment before high-speed dispensing
If it is found that the dispensing equipment is in the same environment as before, for example, check the humidity display card in the packaging after opening the packaging, if the humidity display on the humidity card is more than 20%, this indicates that the high-speed dispensing equipment has been wetted, and the problem we are discussing is how to deal with the moisture part of the dispensing equipment.
Dual-station high-speed AB glue dispenser
A simple, fast and effective method is to use an electric dryer to bake the high-speed dispensing equipment which has been damped. The baking temperature is controlled at about 125 C and the baking time is 10-20 hours to completely solve the problem of moisture dispensing equipment. In fact, it also depends on whether the glue in the dispensing equipment has bubbles, if there is bubbles in the glue. The compressibility of the body is very high. In the process of dispensing, the gas is compressed, and the pressure is released after dispensing, which means that the glue drops down until the pressure is balanced, or the glue is completely free in the hose, and the glue droplets stop.
Compound-moving thimble-type coated dispensing valve
The dampness of dispensing equipment may also affect the rubber valves, so check the rubber valves used for dispensing. When the sealing wear of the rubber valves is serious, even the glue can not keep clean, then the dispensing valves are not tightly connected with the mixing pipe, which is one of the reasons for the dampness phenomenon. Therefore, when the dispensing process is basically stopped, use the glue valves. A container to collect glue and close it until it does not drip is currently a relatively simple and easy solution, and in the future users will list and implement a series of solutions for damp dispensing equipment.

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